It could be me, because I don't live in the MDUSD, but this ballot measure snuck up on me. Last year at the same time, I was hearing lots more about Measure D, the MDUSD parcel tax initiative that missed receiving the two-thirds vote it required to pass.
Driving around Ygnacio Valley this weekend, I didn't see too many Yes on Measure C signs up. Not as many as I would expect. Okay, we've still got two weeks until the June 8 election. But I'm still wondering whether this bond measure was put together, somewhat quickly, in response to the Measure D loss. Is the district just trying to raise extra revenue in any way possible? They couldn't get the money last year to pay for teachers and classroom programs. Now, they are attempting to get money that will pay for construction projects and facility upgrades. Afull list of Measure C projects is available on the district's website: visit and click on "Community."
The district's chances of passing the measure are higher, because it only requires 55 not 66 percent of the vote.
Anyway, here are excerpts of local community leaders and journalists, offering differing viewpoints on Measure C. And you vote on the Crazy poll at least, telling the rest of us how you intend to vote in the June 8 election.
The first is pro-Measure C commentary from Walnut Creek City Councilman Kish Rajan and Jenny Reik, the chair of the Pleasant Hill Education Commission. Their commentary was published in the Contra Costa Times.
Our local school district, Mt. Diablo Unified, has provided great local education for decades, but today it faces significant challenges. Continuous state budget cuts over the past three years have taken a serious toll on our local schools.
Measure C won't solve every problem facing our local schools, but it will provide critical support to local students when state funding is increasingly unreliable. It will go a long way toward helping local students meet today's and tomorrow's challenges.
Measure C will add classroom instructional technology and upgrade science and computer labs. Improved technology will enhance advanced classes and elementary instruction in math, science and language. It will provide students the relevant technical skills they need to compete for careers in tomorrow's job market. Measure C projects also include energy-efficiency improvements like solar and other upgrades that will secure state incentive grants and cut costly utility bills.
Measure C will also fix leaky roofs and windows, upgrade, renovate and repair neighborhood schools that date from the 1950s and '60s, and make other basic repairs to schools that are outdated and deteriorating. Measure C will provide safe places for supervised after-school activities like athletics and fine arts.
A full list of Measure C projects by school site is available on the district's website: visit and click on "Community."
Measure C is affordable and responsible. It maintains the tax rate voters approved with the last local school measure in 2002, without increasing taxes above that rate. In addition, by law, Measure C has taxpayer safeguards in place: All funds will be subject to independent citizen oversight and annual audits, and funds can't be taken by the state. Audits have shown that the original Measure C was implemented effectively. That commitment will continue with this Measure C.Contra Costa Times columnist Daniel Dorenstein had less nice things to day about Measure C in his column: Exorbitant price tag on Measure C
Mt. Diablo school officials never provided voters key information that would reveal the tremendous cost of the district's bond proposal on the June ballot.
To understand the exorbitant price tag of Measure C, think of a home mortgage. If you were to borrow $348,000 to buy a house using a conventional 30-year mortgage at 5 percent annual interest, you would end up paying $672,530 in principal and interest over the life of the loan. In other words, you would pay back roughly double what you borrowed.
In contrast, with Measure C, district officials seek permission to borrow $348 million to fund school construction and upgrades. But officials haven't told voters that they plan to stretch the repayment out over more than 40 years with most of the pain coming on the back end. To cover the principal and interest, property owners, by one estimate, would have to pay $1.87 billion in taxes, or more than five times the amount borrowed.
It seems that even school officials didn't know the full expense. When Superintendent Steven Lawrence came to us last month seeking editorial backing for Measure C, I asked him what the total cost would be. He had no idea. Indeed, the district didn't generate the number until Iasked for it. ...
... Here's another problem: Bonds for construction don't address the district's most critical problem. What the school system needs first is money for its day-to-day operations that have been shortchanged by the state budget crisis. For that, the district needs a parcel tax, an annual assessment to raise money for the general fund. The problem is that requires approval of two-thirds of the voters, a threshold the district failed to meet when it put a parcel tax on the ballot in May 2009 and only received 59 percent approval.
District officials considered trying again. But when polling showed they couldn't meet the two-thirds threshold, they instead turned to the bond proposal, which requires approval of only 55 percent of voters. It's like going shopping for a car when you need transportation, but buying a house instead.
Meanwhile, Bill Gram--Reefer, publisher of the political Halfway to Concord blog is very much opposed to Measure C:
Taxpayers in Contra Costa County can’t catch a break. Not only are they faced with crushing public employee pension costs negotiated by Supervisors more concerned about union bosses than citizens, but now the Mt Diablo Unified School District (MDUSD) wants to pour $1.87 billion down the drain while playing patty cake with BIG LABOR in the form of an ongoing Project Labor Agreement (PLA) that raises construction costs by 20%!
It is so easy to say let's pay more taxes for the schools. What they do not say is this leaves them more money to waste on other things and not face the economic reality. Do something first with the crazy pensions and show cuts in non-essential services, then we can talk. Why did no one leave a rainy day fund?
No on Measure C, yes on a parcel tax
Ann 9:27,
Districts are required to have a rainy day fund, but if they use it then it has to be paid back. Another fine mandate from our State...
The district has cut non essentials, music, sports, all classes not meeting the minimum number of students, class size reduction, custodial staff, VP's in many schools, 35% reduction at the Dent Center, cuts to Special Education, and more.
So you see they have made the cuts and as far as the pensions, teachers can not get Social Security, have no medical benefits and the district contributes 3% and the rest is up to the teacher. Pretty much the same as I had in private industry with my 401K, but I also get Social Security.
Yes on Measure C, we have to move our schools into the 21st Century with technology, classrooms, and facilities. None of these funds can be used for General Fund Use and there is a community oversight committee. Here is the link to the Measure C website:
More Measure C Information:
Measure C will provide vital, local funds to improve local schools – funds for facilities, infrastructure, and technology that our students can count on—at an affordable, low tax rate. And by law, Measure C has taxpayer safeguards in place: all funds will be subject to independent citizen oversight and annual audits, and funds can't be taken by the state.
In addition, the District has a top-notch track record managing its last school bond, approved by local voters in 2002. The 2002 Measure C bond leveraged over $100 million in state matching funds; completed every one of the promised high-priority projects and completed them on-time; received high marks from independent citizen oversight committees and perfect audit reports; and received the highest ratings from independent bond rating agencies. Most impressively, taxpayers have been saving money: we’re paying 15-25% less than we expected to pay based on the ballot materials for Measure C in 2002.
To learn more about the district’s excellent record in managing previous school bonds, visit (the district’s official website) or for references to find more information on previous audits, oversight committee reports, and more.
I have kids in the district and also want to see a parcel tax. But improving the facilities is important too. So if Measure C helps with facilites and creates some positive momentum towards an eventual parcel tax, I am all for it...
I am afraid this bond measure will cause people not to support a parcel tax. We need a parcel tax first.
Anon 12:35
The Parcel Tax was tried and did not pass last year. A survey was performed regarding a Parcel Tax versus a Bond Measure, the majority said they would vote yes on the Bond Measure, many said no to another parcel tax campaign.
There's a very big difference between your private sector 401k and the teachers pension. The pension is guaranteed by the tax payers. So if the market goes down, like it did, we are all get to pay higher taxes so teachers are protected. Try getting a deal like that in the private sector.
Family of 4
The two polls that were conducted showed that a majority of voters would vote for a parcel tax or a bond. In addition, Measure D never had as much opposition as this Measure C.
So if the polling was so strong for a bond why is the community reaction not favorable? Did the polling provide voters all of the information required to really express an opinion? Did the polling tell voters how much this bond would cost or how long of a term?
As for the failure of Measure D-
Any campaign without leadership, without planning, without sufficient time, and without board participation will fail. I doubt you find any of those circumstances when WCSD and/or AUHSD decide to pursue a parcel tax. That is the difference between success and failure.
MDUSD can not say they can't pass a parcel tax when in reality they haven't really tried.
You need to read Borensteins article before you make up your mind. The fact that the new SUperintendant didn't look at the long term cost of this measure and couldn't answer that question is appalling to me. For now my vote is no and I have 2 kids in the system.
Anon 3:10,
Yes the poll showed just about equal on the Bond or Tax, but it was below the 66% needed to pass a parcel tax. But it was enough of a majority to pass a Bond.
The district can not run the campaign, it has to be handled by volunteers, parents and community members. There are rules and laws the district must adhere too.
I will support Measure C and continue to do so, and my adult children are also voting yes on C. We are almost done with MDUSD, last one graduating but we see the value in the future education of all children. I refuse to give up on this community, tempting at times, but I won't.
Anon 4:03
Our board members are not prohibited from working on the campaign or serving on the leadership committee. In San Ramon one of their board members led the district-wide ground campaign.
Our administrators are only restricted from working on district time or using district resources.
Both the Board and the Superintendent could have been out in front of the Measure D campaign but they were not.
Anon 4:13,
I know our Board members are involved, I receive communication from them regarding this campaign and they are attending meetings. I know they are volunteering in the phone bank and canvassing the neighborhoods.
You stated:
Our administrators are only restricted from working on district time or using district resources.
Well, right now that leaves no time as many are working 7 days a week and nights because of the budget cuts. The cuts have been devastating in all area's of MDUSD.
I know I have received information from several of our Board Members regarding this campaign. I feel informed and have had the opportunity to attend meetings before the campaign kicked off. Did you?
Pensions do need to be revisited but that is Cal-Pers. This is something that hopefully a new Governor will make a priority as firefighters, police, and State employees get this same benefit.
3:10 I understand your frustration with the Board. But the answer to that is to change the Board when they are up for election. But it's wrong to take that frustration out on Measure C which would do a lot of good in the District.
Borenstein gets paid to be a critic. Good for him. But his bottom line is "I don't like the way they are financing this thing". While that sounds nice in a perfect world, our kids need help now. All things considered, it makes sense to support Measure C, get the resources, and to hold the Board accountable for doing sensible projects.
Let's start by holding the board accountable for bringing a sensible bond measure or even better, a parcel tax to the voters not this Measure C.
I will not vote yes, until the board admits publicly that they made a mistake with the last "special" attorney raise.
8:43 that's brilliant. Let's make sure all the kids suffer because you have a problem with what salary they pay one staff person. Get a grip. We need to Vote Yes on Measure C, work to make the district better, and support our kids...
I will not vote for Measure C..., enough is enough...
Restructure the district's finances first and exhaust every financial option, then I will consider voting for additional taxes if needed.
6:40 you clearly dont know much about Measure C - but you certainly have your TEA Party talking points down. Measure C is not about operating expenses, its a bond measure to finance facilities improvements. And, Measure C does not raise your current taxes (it extends the length of the bond obligation).
If you have kids in the district - then you should know our aging facilities need repairs and maintenance. And our district overall needs better tech infrastructure so our kids can actually get an education that will prepare them to compete in the work force.
The MDUSD has a solid record of managing facilities bond dollars. So 6:40, if you are actually a voter in the district, take a look up from your TEA Party voter guide and check out the facts before you vote...
Ok anon 8:16,
which one are you? Gary, Paul or Sherri?
I am not anon 8:16 but I agree with their post because I have checked out the facts. Who are you Anon 11:47?
Very Interesting, how come no one is up in arms about the Acalanes District?
"The Acalanes Union High School District wants us to believe it need another parcel tax to survive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Here are some facts:
- Now is not the time to increase taxes – economy down even in Lamorinda and Walnut Creek.
- THIS FOURTH PARCEL TAX PROPOSAL was introduced just three months after voters approved a $189 permanent parcel tax. The district said that measure would provide financial stability – obviously this was not true because they are now hitting us with another tax proposal.
- This District has the lowest student-per-teacher ratio (20.6 to 1) of any Contra Costa County high school district – a small increase in class size would save the money they claim they need (did you know maximum class size is dictated by the union contract – wow!).
- The District receives the highest revenue/student in the county.
- As its own budget predicts, District enrollment will continue declining for at least three more years. Fewer students shouldn’t require one tax increase after another.
- The District’s teacher salaries top out at $90,801, and average $75,477 – highest in the county.
- Acting illegally (per Attorney General Brown), the District refinanced four recent bond measures to borrow additional funds — thereby obligating taxpayers, without their vote, for higher principal payoffs.
- Using Mail-in ballots – costs about twice as much as if on primary election ballot one month later – tactic to insure low response.
- Senior exemption – obvious tactic buying votes from Seniors – especially Rossmoor getting them to vote for a tax they won’t have to pay
- They are using their usual fear tactics threatening severe cuts in mathematics, science, etc. There is no need to do this. Plenty of money is available if the District managed it properly.
The voters should soundly reject this unnecessary new tax."
by Ken Hambrick on March 15, 2010
Just to clarify, I am not taking any parties side, Dem, Rep or Tea Party. I firmly believe in education and will do what it takes to help with a solution. I agree with Anon 8:16, the district has a solid record of accounting and audits for its facilities bonds dollars.
I also know as a community member that when the Bond is passed, the community and schools do and will have a voice in what they would like to see at their schools. I attended these meetings after Measure C was passed in 2002 and was very impressed with the process. The list for improvements is not set in stone as facility needs and technology needs change, as we all know.
Obviously you post on many blogs because you like to spell my name incorrectly.
I will only post as Sherry Whitmarsh. I stand behind my statements and that is why I use my name. For me its a matter of integrity.
Please excuse my typing error, name corrected.
Youm probably meant to address your latest comment to 11:47.
Why don't you actually answer some of the questions instead of just tip toe around them?
Do you think that it was at least a PR mistake to give the attorney raise when the board did?
Do you think that paying 1.87billion dollars over 42 years is a good tradeoff for 340 million now?
Can you personally guarantee that there will be no accounting slights of hand which "free" up additional General Funds for the board to give out to thier favorite administrators?
Anon 3:47
Ok, time to stop and move on. Why won't you put your name to your opinions? Here is why I support Measure C:
I live within the MDUSD, have students in our local high school (have had students in MDUSD since 1993) and am an active volunteer at my site and district.
The MDUSD budget is on the website, there is transparency, Measure C from 2002 has an excellent track record, accountability and audit results. There was and is an oversight committee, made up of community members. Our schools need continual maintenance and upgrading so our students can remain competitive in the 21st Century. Let alone be in classrooms and facilities that are safe, clean and equipped for learning. This is some of the reasons why we need to extend the Current Measure C Bond. In this current climate of harsh economic times for many MDUSD residents, extending the current Measure C makes perfect sense to me. My tax rate stays the same and I am helping secure safe, up to date facilities for current students and our future students. I look at it that I am helping to invest in the future of our community as our home values reflect from our schools. I am willing to help support our schools as long as I have the privilege of owning a home.
I am looking at our property tax bill and we purchased our home in 1989. Right now annually I pay $307.06 for sewer and $122.98 for the Mt. Diablo 2002 Bond. I need sewer for the rest of our lives while living in our home, I also need quality school facilities and education. Do I cut Sewer? No, do I cut education, No. Our State is letting education down even at the University level. So as a community member I will do what it takes to help with the solution. Do I like it that our schools have to resort to Bonds and interest to ensure facilities are up to date, safe and in good shape? No. But I do recognize that by supporting Measure C I am helping our students now and in the future, I am helping our community. I am voting Yes on Measure C and so are my adult children and spouse.
Measure C promises technology upgrades which I am all in favor of. But, I know from experience, that to be successful, you need to factor in technical support, professional development and software upgrades. I haven't heard anything from the district about how that will be paid for, where will that money come from? Haven't we already made cuts to techn support at the schools. I am not sure about professional development??
My other concern is paying for technology with a 42 year bond. is that wise? Without good answers to those questions, I am not sure that I can support Measure C.
Here are my answers.
I have answered this questions many, many times. The increase in salaries that were done were part of the overall REORGANIZATION that saved the district $220,000. The original cut was $260,000 with discussion that it would be lowered when the reorganization was announced.
I support Measure C and all of the benefits it will bring to our children.
I will vote for monies that are freed up to be used for programs to be reinstated for our children. You do realize that by my saying that, it means $ will be spent on salaries because to return programs, salaries have to be paid.
I will not vote for Measure C..., enough is enough... And I don't care if it's for their operating expenses or facilities improvements.
Restructure the district's finances first and exhaust every financial option, then I will consider voting for additional taxes if needed.
Well everyone,
I admire Sherry for telling the truth. Please see her most recent post.
In summary, Measure C funds will be used for salaries. The lie has been exposed.
So if I vote to bring back music I'll have to pay for teachers - that is a salary. If I vote to reduce class size, I have to bring back teacher - that is a salary. If I vote for learning centers, instructional assistants, increase in clerical staff hours - all are salaries. Let face it almost 90% of the budget is salaries and to bring back programs or services I have to have the salary to pay for it.
Please tell me what lie that is.
Sherry, you do realize that anything you say (or any other district official) will be twisted to fit their needs. I do appreciate your candor in answering questions and pointing out issues. For that, you have my utmost respect.
However, I will still not vote for Measure C.
The lie isn't about salaries. The lie is the implication that Measure C will bring back music or reduced class size. You can not use bond funds to do this and the solar revenue would not even begin to be enough to reinstate these programs.
Perhaps she is saying that the money generated from Measure C for facilities will free up monies in the general fund to bring back music or reduce class size.
However, I still won't vote for it.
If I don't have to pay 1/2 of our PG&E bill then I can use those saved $ for programs.
The lie is right in the ballot measure language. "None of these funds will be used for salaries."
Yet, you say that the freed up funds will be used for salaries. Hence the exposure of the lie.
Its all just accounting trickery how the now "freed" up general fund money is not bound by the no salaries clause in the measure.
The board is trying to trick a generally unaware public. You should be ashamed.
Anon 7:57am
Boy you sure twist to feed your brain? Read the posts and then think please. If money is freed up in the General Fund because energy costs are reduced, then our students benefit because programs can be reinstated. You can't run a program unless you have staff! The funds from Measure C will not be used for salaries, it can't and won't. Why don't you apply to be a part of the oversight committee? The current Measure C had/has an outstanding track record, passed all outside audits and was very successful.
Oh, that is right, you only see the glass as half empty. Your type is what is wrong in today's world.
No, I am not Sherry,Paul or Gary. I am a parent, volunteer, community member and worker who is tired of the lies by people like you.
Where is the analysis that shows the public what the solar will save? If your energy bill is $3.5 million dollars then half of that will not be enough to save programs, certainly not class size reduction. Also why doesn't anyone ever address the issue of expenses? The cost to run a solar program, the cost to maintain and repair a solar program, the cost of extra insurance, and the cost of security, all of these expenses come out of the general fund don't they? This might make sense but how do we know?
MDUSD canceled Tuesday's board meeting on Monday night. Doesn't that have to be done at a public meeting?
A violation of the Brown Act?
Well, the unofficial poll on this blog states 34% YES, 63% NO. Eye opening indeed. Nowhere close to winning.
Sherry is doing what's she was voted in to do. She's making the difficult and painful decisions that must be made to stay solvent as a school district. We should all know by now that public education is about money and jobs first, educating our youth second. It's the reality of how it is right now. We must therefore go through the pain now.
Are there better ideas out there? Another reality is that this Measure C will not pass and there will be even more cuts.
The worst part about these budget cuts that no one wants to talk about for some reason, is how graduation requirements have been lowered to 200 credits.
MDUSD Teacher,
I am sorry but there will also be cuts IF Measure C passes. The bond money can not be spent on programs or people. The solar is, at best, 18 months away. We can't say how the solar revenue will help because we don't have complete projections.
Just because our elected officials have to make difficult and painful decisions does not mean it is okay to make hasty bad decisions. I like Sherry but on this issue I think she is wrong.
Opposition to this bond is about the kids.
Anon 6:22
That is where I believe you are wrong. When Measure C passes then money that is set aside in the General Fund for Facility maintenance and repairs can then be used to help retain programs. Our schools need every dime, it would provide some relief. There will be an oversight committee made up of community members and I am sure community meetings at each site to go over their lists of needed improvements. It is a process that worked well when Measure C passed in 2002.
Vote for Measure C and get back to me in a year and let me know how happy you are and how many programs were saved.
The District will payoff 11 - 15 year bond and lease debt for a $1.4 mil/yr. savings. Show me the line item where capital improvements are still in the general fund in any significant amount.
Sherry already admitted on this blog that the money freed up in the general fund by measure C will be going to salaries. It is just plain good o'l accounting tricks.
This is why I have convinced my entire neighborhood to vote no. The board acts like people are not upset about the attorney raises (Sherry dismisses them as if they don't matter) but the board is going to get a rude awakening when measure C goes down in flames.
8:11 - that must be some neoghorhood...
Measure C is about improving facilities and the environment in which our kids learn. Upgraded facilities and potentially solar power will also reduce some maintenance and energy costs that come out of the operating budget. Those dollars can be used for instruction and Programs.
All of you brilliant fiscal watch dogs who are opposed to this aren't proving anything other than your disdain for public education and for contributing to anything beyond your narrow self interest.
Does anyone care about the reduced grad requirements? I think this is big. What educated parents would want to keep their kids in a district that lowers standards? Why would potential new families choose to move to this district? If Soccer Martha Mom is reading... this should be a topic all to itself.
Judging by your high and mighty tone (talking down on a rough neighborhood) you must be either Paul or Gary. Which one? Why don't you post by name anymore?
I think you guys flew this measure C plane into the ground the night you gave your attorney buddy a $20k+ raise. I suspect you will do similar things with any money freed up in the general fund by measure C.
Anon 7:32 aka Doctor J
No it is not Sherry or Gary (you use the same words in your posts on the CC Times, I see a pattern).
I am talking to my neighborhood too, in support of Measure C. I have signs, am handing our fliers and talking. I have found that the retired age group is in support and it was specifically asked if their tax rate would increase, they liked that it would not and were not fazed by the long term of the Bond. Many are on a fixed income, what I heard was "our neighborhood schools are important and we want to help".
Those of you that oppose, please post what you specifically see that can be cut without causing the State to take over the district. Remember there are a lot of mandates and laws, so do your research and be specific.
I do not see any concrete statements. I am interested.
MDUSDTeacher, yes I don't like the reduced graduation requirements either. Sadly I understand why it had to be done. My son will still take a full load and graduate meeting all A-G requirements and have 240 credits. He is College bound, but I know others that want to attend trade school. Not everyone is College Bound. I just hope we don't loose any Honors or AP classes in any of our High Schools.
I see every day the needs in our schools (I am not a teacher, just an active volunteer).
Again, money from the Bond will NOT be used for salaries, it can't. The twists of this are funny and show twisted minds. The needs in our facilities is over whelming. How can MDUSD move into the 21st century without funds for the necessary improvements? How can facilities be maintained without the funds? Would you work in the conditions that our children are being educated in?
I really don't understand the concern about as one poster stated "accounting tricks" It seems simple to me. If you free up money in one area of the general fund (electricity costs) and legally you can move it to another area (salaries) what's the problem? I think it's smart financial planning. Especially since this community did not bother to come out and vote for a parcel tax.
There is so much hostility in our district, people at each other's throats all the time. Very disturbing. I'm trying to get my kid into Las Lomas in the Acalanes district. At least they have music there run by a very fine teacher. Can't remember his name but has been there for decades. Mt. Diablo is sinking fast.
Anon 8:49
Your comment is part of the hostility. I for one will not jump ship because it is not necessarily better in the water.
The hostility is on the blogs posted by Anonymous posters. They hide behind their computer. But out there in the schools, I don't see or hear this. Times are tough in our State, the State is heading down the wrong path and hopefully the upcoming elections show that we want change, big time.
We as a community can change this, like the WCSD, ASD and other surrounding districts. Yes on Measure C and start helping our students and community.
"MDUSDparent said..." is pretty nebulous as well. What is your full name and address? I thought so...
I will absolutely not vote for this tax. I've been taxed enough. Clean up your finances first, then we'll talk and consider an appropriate tax if needed. President Ronald Reagan said it best "Trust, but verified"...
I would rather have my kids sweat a bit, and go to school in a shanty and have better teachers. This bond is a fiscal nightmare at a time when sound decisions should be made. Focus on the kids and teachers first. Not hoping that the district will no longer have enegry costs and the weight will be lifted off the general fund.
Anon 1:56
You answered your own question. If weight is lifted off the General Fund by Measure C, then money is available for programs, ie teachers, training, classrooms, teaching tools and supplies.
Yes on Measure C
2:17. Does the district have solid numbers as to how much will be "lifted" from the general fund? Do we have a clear indication how much of the 1.8 BILLION dollars we are paying can be used in other areas of the general fund?
Just lookign for an ROI number.
It is an answer many of us would like to know. I hope the district has actually done that.
Just as Sherry has stated, when I post a comment on a blog, I use my name and I stand by my comments. As I have always said, I am available at . I have constantly encouraged community members to e-mail me or phone me at 925-304-1546 and I'd be happy to respond to any and all questions. I am also available to attend gatherings of 1 to 100 or more to answer questions and hold discussions about the issues.
How disappointing. Gary, it is great that you will talk to people who contact you but you have an obligation to communicate to our greater community.
I have to ask myself why are you choosing not to? Why not post the solar projections on the MDUSD web? Why not explain the promises on the campaign literature? If our children are receiving great new technology that will move them into the 21st century, I would think that you would want to tell us all about the instructional technology. What it is. How it will be used. How it will transform programs. How it will provide college and career readiness. What are science clusters? How will they/it change the way our middle school children learn? You should be excited to share this with us. I have to ask myself why are you choosing not to?
If it is as great as the Measure C brochure "in very general terms" makes it sound, why aren't you excited to tell us all about it?
These are fair questions that all voters should be asking. It is not about not wanting to support a bond or a parcel tax, it is about THIS BOND and what we expect from our district leadership when it comes to decisions about our kids. This bond reeks of a bad decision.
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