
May 15, 2010

Reminder: School bands and choral groups perform to save Mt. Diablo music programs

Bands, orchestras and vocal groups from elementary, middle and high schools in the Mt. Diablo Unified School District will perform today at the All Area Music Festival.

The event takes place, starting at 2 p.m., at Concord's Sleep Train Pavilion. Tickets are available at the box office starting at 1 p.m. and are $12 for adults and $6 for students. The event is sponsored by the Mt. Diablo Music Education Foundation, which is trying to save music classes in the district's schools.

Twenty-five music teachers in the district, including the director of Northgate High's acclaimed music program, learned at the district's meeting this week that they would be laid off. The district is making the cuts in response to the state budget crisis. The district is also looking to eliminate fifth grade music.


Anonymous said...

How many people actually attend these fundraisers? It would seem that the parcel tax presented last year still would not have raised the kind of money these districts are asking for.

Rather than support all these fundraisers, wouldn't it be cost-effective just to pay for private lessons for my own children?

Anonymous said...

I went to this yesterday. It was fun. There were about 200 people there I believe. It was so neat to see the 5th graders play, and then later the High Schoolers play. Greatness in the making. I cannot afford to send my girls to private lessons, I hope music stays in the schools.

Do you know who won the Raffle? The prize was a trip to Disneyland!! I'm dying to know who won!

Anonymous said...

The fat lady has belched her last encore.

THANKS MDUSD your fiscal irresponsibility and thanks to the State legistlature for forecasting future revenues during the economic bubbles.

Sherry Whitmarsh said...

Anon 1:08

Please be specific about any fiscal irresponsibilites. Since the budget is all the MDUSD website, you can easily tell me which you would like me to legally cut.

Sherry Whitmarsh said...

Forgot to daughters are in band and will feel the reprecussions of this.

Anonymous said...

Which school Sherry? Just curious...

Sherry Whitmarsh said...

My daughters attend Oak Grove Middle and Ygnacio Valley High School

Anonymous said...

Mr. Accatino at YV is a good man...