
May 25, 2010

Wait! WC City Council meets this evening to discuss important budget issues. But, it's Lady Gaga night on "Glee."

And, the final two battle it out for the American Idol crown, taking to the stage to show the judges and America what they're made of.  The winner is announced Wednesday night...

But does anyone still care what happens on American Idol? Have you been watching this season, which critics say has been lackluster? I don't know who the two finalists are. My son and I, Idol converts during the past two seasons, lost interest during Hollywood week. And. now Simon Cowell is leaving

Tonight, what matters is Glee, and its Lady Gaga special, with Kurt in an especially dazzling metallic Gaga outfit belting out "Bad Romance." It can't get any better than that.

I know, I know. I'm being frivolous. At the Walnut Creek City meeting there will be more talk about the budget, and perhaps a presentation by Police Chief Joel Bryden. Last week, we heard from Arts, Recreation and Community Services director Barry Gordon. Maybe more people will come forward to protest cuts to the Masters Swim program or the Lindsay Wildlife Museum.  More letters arrived from parents whose kids attend the Therapeutic Recreation summer camp. This is apparently the only camp of its kind for developmentally disabled kids.

Yes, I can catch Glee does Lady Gaga on Hulu in case this meeting goes on late.

But something I wonder about: You know, the Mt. Diablo Unified School District canceled its meeting tonight. The reason given to the Contra Costa Times Theresa Harrington had to do with the board wanting to wait to discuss budget issues until after the June 8 Measure C bond measure election.

Maybe that's the reason. Or maybe the Mt. Diablo school board is populated by a bunch of Idol fans and Gleeks.


Anonymous said...

Hey, ho, ho.....what about Dancing with the "Stars"?

I can't be the only one who watches this show.

How about a little respect!!!

~YYZ said...

What's an American Idol? Dancing with the Stars? Huh?

Your must mean people like Lincoln, FDR, Elvis, Susan Hayward, Dale Earnhardt Sr., Bill Gates, Rex Tillerson, and Alan Mulally!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a concerned Walnut Creek citizen but I am also a Gleek! You can't fight City Hall so you may as well keep up with Rachel, Finn, Puck and the rest. P.S. Any show that gets my teen daughter listening to "Don't Rain on My Parade" instead of Lil Wayne is a priority for me!!!