How about ladies who lunch? That is, when they tie up a table for much of your shift and only order salads and ice tea. To top it off, they tip the bare minimum. Or, they ask split the check four or six ways.
This is a gripe I heard from one waitress at a Marin County restaurant on this morning's Ronn Owens show on KGO 810 radio. Yes, Owens asked this same question about customer gripes to people who work as a waiter, waitress, bar tender, host or hostess.
As Owens requested, don't name names. You'd probably tick off your boss if you griped about the customers at the restaurant or bar where you work.
Maybe you work at one of the downtown bars that looked like they fill up on weekends with some not always classy customers. You might have plenty of gripes. When I went on my ride-along a couple weeks ago, I saw plenty of aging frat boys spilling out of one bar, and other young men sauntering into another restaurant and lounge, dressed like they want to be characters in a Grand Theft Auto game.
And some of the young women I saw: Tottering around on very high heels, wearing very tight tops and short skirts, and looking altogether self-conscious and uncomfortable. (Seeing them did not make me want to be 22 again.) They looked kind of miserable but desperate to impress: No wonder they were likely to wind up drunk a few hours later--still tottering around on those high heels.
I never worked as a waitress--that would have been a disastrous experience for any customers I would have--but I hope I am always appreciative of good service and the work wait staff do.
I've never worked as a waiter but I've been out to dinner with people who treat waiters like second-class servants, with a dismissive attitude. I hate going out to dinner with people who are always looking to see if the restaurant or their waiter is going to rip them off.
I recall a time when we could dine in Walnut Creek and be treated well by the well-trained staff, and rub elbows with elegant and charming locals. Now, it's all rubbish!
Get a grip, please. Fix the typo in the headline by adding a letter "e" to the end of the word "grip."
You are obviously disturbed for some reason. However, you present no evidence for your displeasure.
There are plenty of fine restaurants and employees in Walnut Creek. Take your own choice for your dining experience.
If you only want "elegant and charming locals", you are very, very stuffy and, as a longtime Walnut Creek resident, I don't want you sitting at the table next to me. I would prefer for Walnut Creek to welcome our neighbors and to reap the sales tax benefits to pay for local services.
Having worked for tips in the past if you are so cheap you cannot tip then you can not afford to go out.
I am rarely impressed with service in most east bay restaurants, though Oakland and Berkeley take the care for waiters who exhibit most or all of these characteristics: rude, dismissive, lazy, confused, unfriendly, forgetful, spaced out, and smug.
Walnut Creek servers are usually just rude and spaced out. Surprisingly, I am most impressed with the servers in Danville restaurants. Rarely have I had an unpleasant experience in a restaurant there.
I really don't feel I should have to generously tip a person like this when I believe good service is just as important as good food for an overall positive dining experience.
I generally like the topics of soccer mom, but clearly on this one, she missed the mark....and she sounded more desperate and pathetic than the hotties in heels she ripped on in the post.
I've lived in WC for 15 years. Maybe it's cuz I'm pushing 50 but I find just the PEOPLE downtown snotty and rude.
Tipping in this country has gotten out of hand. People expect their tips whether they are doing a good job or not. Should someone receive a tip if they forget to bring out a course? Make you wait a long time to order? I've been at places where I was made to wait 30 minutes before anyone came to my table. What if multiple things keep happening? Does this person deserve a full tip? Some even expect MORE than their 15%.
I think this country needs to do away with tipping, and just charge what they feel the food and service is worth together. Employers should pay their employees directly, not rely on the customer to evaluate it through tipping. The check should just come with a comments card. This way, the owner of the restaurant will know if a particular employee is doing a good job and give that person a bonus.
11:53, restaurants would never go along with having to pay their waitstaff real wages. If that did happen, restaurants would fire their current staff and bring in undocumented immigrants at sub-legal wages...killing yet another working class profession in this country. Just look at who they hire now for non-tip jobs like dishwashers and busboys.
i have come to hate the tip jar at places like coffee houses - what really do they do for you - pour or make a cup of coffee? they are fortunate to have jobs.
I am always courteous to restaurant servers. I always acknowledge my server when s/he comes to my table (to refill water or whatever). I think it's rude to just ignore servers. I don't talk on my cell phone, either when I'm being served (i.e., being checked out at the grocery store).
Be nice to people who can spit in your salad before they bring it out...
"And some of the young women I saw: Tottering around on very high heels, wearing very tight tops and short skirts, and looking altogether self-conscious and uncomfortable."
Where did you say that was? I could use a diversion.
If you have not worked in that industry you really have no idea what service people go through. No matter what always be nice to your servers and tip well.
As a true-blooded American, I am exercising my freedom to choose not to sponsor rude servers.
I refer you to the comment by 8:16am. Of course you may prefer a lot of liquids in your food.
Chacon a son gout.
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