Tauscher, 57, a Democrat, chairs the House Armed Services Committee's subcommittee on strategic forces, which oversees the nation's nuclear weapons. Her 10th Congressional district of California includes major parts of central Contra Costa County (Walnut Creek, Alamo, San Ramon, Lamorinda, Pleasant Hill, parts of Concord) as well as cities in east Contra Costa, Livermore in Alameda County and cities in Solano and Sacramento counties.
The Contra Costa Times says she is "regarded as one of the most knowledgeable members of Congress on the nation's nuclear arsenal and a moderate who walks a fine line to balance support for nuclear weapons research at the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, which is in her district, and the demands of peace activists. ... If confirmed ... Tauscher would serve as a senior adviser on arms control, nonproliferation and disarmament issues to the president and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, whom Tauscher supported in last year's Democratic presidential primaries."
Vetting Tauscher, a wealthy former investment banker first elected in 1996, could take weeks or months. She would also need to receive Senate confirmation. If Tauscher is appointed, an election would be held to replace her for the rest of her two-year term which ends in January 2011.
Great...more liberal crazy wackadoos in charge of our government. This is going to turn out well.
Anonymous 10:37 you may want to do some research regarding Ellen Tauscher - you'll probably find out why a Democrat continues to win in a Republican leaning district - she is far from a "liberal crazy wackadoo"
Made a mistake in my 12:37 post: meant to say why a Democrat was able to take away a seat from what was a Republican district.
Now with the crazy way we do our re-districting it is a pretty safe Democratic district.
I find the idea of Tauscher as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security a bit scary. On the other hand, that's the position John Bolton held and the country (and world) survived him.
Still, I'll be glad to have Tauscher gone. She represented Wall Street speculators and bankers, not me.
The 10th is not a Repub leaning district by any means. Watch the 'Tork' win this seat, making the 10th more progressive. Yeah!
She is a crazy liberal wackadoo. Better go out and stock up on my guns and ammo, she's planning to take them away.
Why would we reward Tommy "Photo OP" Torkelson after all that he has done to get California into the shape that it is in?
So today, Little Tommy "Photo Op" Torkelson says that he wants to ruin our schools even further by being State School Superintendent. After all, he's qualified - he used to coach track somewhere. Instead, he wants us to have DeSaulnier - another winner from Sacramento. DeSalunier also voted to cut education rather than state government, AND he voted for all those new taxes we all are going to be paying. Let's find someone who is not going to be another Sacramento retread in Washington.
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