Contra Costa's biggest market, with close to 80 vendors, is the best place to shop in downtown Walnut Creek and definitely one of three markets in northern California worth a stop, according to Sunset.
The Lemon Lady is very excited about the news, considering she's a regular at this and our other East Bay suburban markets. She meets and greets all the friendly farmers who generously hand over to her boxes and boxes of unsold produce, which she shares with local food pantries, including the Salvation Army and the Share Food Pantry.
And here is what Sunset says about Walnut Creek's Sunday market: "In the East Bay From knife sharpening and music to barbecue and snow cones, the Walnut Creek market ― Contra Costa's biggest, with close to 80 vendors ― supplements summer fruits and vegetables with plenty to do. Bought more than you can carry? Drop off your produce at the Veggie Valet table while you fetch your car. 8–1 Sun (9–1 Nov–Apr); N. Locust St. between Giamona St. and Lacassie Ave.; cccfm.org.
Thanks, Anna, for letting us know about this praise for our local farmers market, and for the wonderful generosity of your farming friends. And, thanks, for your ongoing one-woman (one-toddler) campaign to fight hunger in our community!
No way there is 80 vendors at Sunday's market, I say half that.
I miss the library location, this one is crowded, Target parking lot is a zoo and idiot pedestrians not paying attention while crossing into the market.
I'm going to check out Saturdays market at the Shadelands. Better yet, if you only need a small amount of veggies, check out Kaisers on Tuesday 10-2.
I was concerned about the move from the tree shaded library lot but the new venue is working pretty nice for me. I believe it handles the crowds better than the old spot. It seems attendance is higher at this venue.
Come one, come all!
Park downtown and stroll on over!
Interesting that people have parking problems no matter what your discussing. BTW, the Target lot is the absolute worse place to park for the farmers market.
Walk a little people!
I love the flower guy closest to Target! I never liked the location at the library because of the parking. It is so easy to sneak into Target and park with this new location. I hope it stays where it is.
Anon 1:46 is misled. There is 10x as much parking in the new location within easy walking distance than there was in the earlier site. Find it on Main, Locust, California and the side streets. I never use the Target private parking lot.
The variety is excellent; we found tender okra for a special recipe last week and bags full of other goodies currently being consumed.
August 25, 2009 1:46 PM,
Walnut Creek downtown has been in the community for decades. There is ample parking at the Parking garage adjacent to the market. Maybe you've not found that garage.
Sunset is a beautiful magazine and the market is rich in Walnut Creek history. Lots of families work on Saturdays or participate or work weekends in this gloomy economy.
I like shopping at Target in the air conditioning after the Walnut Creek market closes. Its a one-stop shop.
Also - did you ever try the FREE Walnut Creek shuttle trolly? Public transportation (and free) is a nice luxury that Walnut Creek shoppers can enjoy. I love it!
I'm anon 1:46, and I walk or ride my bike to the market. I've seen way too many careless pedestrians not crossing the roads, perhaps I'll take my video camera and prove this.
Thank you Soccer Mom for recognizing The Lemon Lady's efforts and bringing attention to the Sunset Magazine mention of the cccfm.org Sunday Walnut Creek market. It's always nice when a town close to home receives honors.
Yes, there are many farmers markets throughout the Bay Area. I remain humble and grateful for the contributions from the individual farmers who have donated to The Lemon Lady hunger cause. The farmers have become my friends.
Parking has never been an issue for me, and I haul boxes of produce out of WC Locust Street. Though, I understand it is a real concern in most areas of the city. Soccer Mom has written about that in the past...even received her own parking ticket on a holiday weekend! :(
I guess that's why the veggie valet can be a convenient feature for market shoppers.
All I know is I love the farmers and I love the markets I visit. I try to focus on the positive. Seeing a food pantry with bare shelves is enough to keep me grounded and focused on larger, more important issues - such as very real hunger in Contra Costa County.
Anon 1:46, 12:46
What do careless pedestrians have to do with the farmers market? At the old location they jay walked across broadway. I see people texting while crossing the street, jaywalking, walking through red lights all over the country.
If your on a mission to cure pedestrian stupidity I wish you luck.
Does anyone remember the old man who plowed into the Santa Monica Farmers Market killing NINE people?
One of which was a three year old girl.
I see an accident happening at the WC Sunday market it in the next year, too many people NOT paying attention.
The poor excuse for a summer is nearly over and I return to wc in a few weeks...this post makes me homesick.
And the Shadelands market is even better.
There's plenty of parking, and having Target allow us to use their lot is a nice perk.
I notice a couple of plugs for the Shadelands market. While I go there sometimes (it's nice to pick up stuff for Saturday dinner and we can ride our bikes there), it's nowhere near as good. I was told it has some controversial origins stemming from some farmers market "turf wars" and was opened specifically to "get back" at the operators of the Sunday market.
I'm just glad to have yet another market!
As for the trolly, I used it once. It took me about twice as long to get where I was going as if I had walked. I really don't know why it exists, I hardly ever see anyone on it.
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