My husband woke in a panic this morning! He had a dream that Victoria Beckham's peeps were serving us with papers, accusing me of trying to pass myself off as her!
Those celebrities can be so sensitive!
Well, it could happen. You know how she and Becks are good buds with Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. And you know how litigious Tom Cruise can be, especially if you make any suggestions about his sexual orientation or insult his Scientology.
Anyway, dug up this photo from somewhere, anywhere. It shows a woman on the verge, or just goofing around in the back yard, with a kid with a camera. By the way, I should give a photo credit to the talented young photographer who snapped this soul-capturing image. Her name is Natalie.
No offense, but I'm a fan so I can stare at your profile photo. I was bummed when I found out it was a spice girl!! Bring it back!!!!!
I'm sorry. I know, the truth is so much less interesting than the illusion.
But Dude, you didn't know it was a Spice Girl?
Sigh. If only I could be that skinny. I think I need a half dozen bouts with stomach flu.
On the other hand, I think Posh looks a bit like a chicken embryo.
And, as the great philosopher Sammy Davis Jones said:
"I've gotta be me. I've gotta be me. What else can I be but what I am?"
I like the new chick better she is much hotter than the fake plastic Spice Girl.
Thanks 11:43 a.m.
But 9:30 a.m.
I promise, I will find other questionable reasons to put hot chicks on this blogs.
And hot guys, too.
C'mon. It's one way to get readers, huh?
Sammy Davis JONES? Did you mean Sammy Davis JR? Or was that an attempt at humor......
Anon 12:43,
SM can find a definitive answer at the "damn library".
I apologize to all those Sammy Davis Jr. fans. You're right. It was the great Sammy Davis Jr.
And, actually, I didn't need to find the correct answer in that "damn library."
Well, I would have been happy to help but my feelings aren't hurt. Feel free to call me anytime for information.
Damn Library
"Sammy Davis Jones" may have been a Freudian slip. Hard core film nuts know that Sammy Davis Jr.'s first film was a short subject titled "Rufus Jones For President."
Made circa 1931 when Sammy was something like six years old, see it by all means. It's hysterical, although pretty racist from what I can remember. I viewed it 20 years ago.
There's somebody else famous in it, too. Somebody black, I mean.
What's remarkable, is that Sammy looks almost exactly the same at age six as he did in adulthood.
Except back then, he had no moustache and both eyes....
Very cool that you came out, SM. I'm sure this took guts. (Wonder if you'll soon be using your real name?) I much prefer the new photo, versus the illusion, as you say. The shield or screen. Regular and real like most of us. . .
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