Or perhaps about their neighbor?
I'm sure there is some very intriguing tale behind the posting of this sign in the yard of a home fronted by that symbol of supposed suburban bliss--the white picket fence. A reader let me know about this interesting display, visible from a somewhat busy street in a neighborhood in Walnut Creek.
Maybe, the posting of this sign is all meant in good fun. A silly holiday prank!
Or, it might involve some huge muddle, one that involves a history of hurt feelings, complaints to authorities, even litigation??? OMG! I thought we suburbanites were all supposed to be pleasant people and have nice, warm feelings towards our neighbors.
Snoop that I am, I'd be happy to hear, but if we can avoid naming names or other identifying details, that would be great... (Unless you e-mail me directly).
That's pretty funny, hopefully it is in good spirits. My neighbors have pretty good senses of humor so I could see something like this happening in our neighborhood.
Hey Soccer Mom, what email do we use to contact you directly?
The house with the naughty sign also regularly flies a pirate flag, so obviously they have a tweaked sense of humor. That, or they're actually pirates.
Dear 9 a.m. crazyinsuburbia@gmail.com
Maybe it's a Whore House. Does it have a red light bulb on the porch?
she only responds to emails though if it confirms her self-absorption
3:11 Why do you browse here?
Anon 3:11,
You could start your own blog but I suspect it would be a lonely task for you.
Naughty or nice. I'm making a list, and checking it twice. Ho! Ho! Ho! Happy Holidays. Don't get too crazy out there.
Hmmm. Not nice eh? I wonder if Santa will visit this home. I also wonder what this naughty family will give Santa.
Naughty Santa"s got a list of three ho's? What will Mrs. Claus say?
The people with the naughty sign are saying their next door neigbors need to paint their ratty-assed house.
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