
February 12, 2010

Buckhorn Grill regrets allowing Open Carry members to gather at its restaurant last Saturday

As other media outlets and I reported, up to 100 members of Bay Area Open Carry, wearing unloaded guns and ammunition clips strapped to their belts, turned up at Buckhorn Grill in Walnut Creek's Plaza Escuela last Saturday to enjoy a meal and to demonstrate their legal right in California to openly bear arms.

The meetup of Open Carry, a loosely organized group of gun advocates, was initially planned for California Pizza Kitchen, but the group learned from CPK that they were not welcome. They changed their meetup location to Buckhorn Grill after receiving permission from the management.

Well, now the management of the Buckhorn Restaurant Group is regretting that decision and is issuing this apology to customers, which a reader passed along to me:

To our Customers:

Buckhorn Grill would like to apologize for some misunderstanding about our “no weapon policy” in any of our restaurants. We have not in the past nor shall in the future allow weapons in our restaurants from our employees, vendors or customers.

We made an exception on February 6, 2010, and regret this decision now. We were misled with some facts. The local police were involved and we knew none of the weapons were loaded, but it still caused tension with the large mob of people arriving as a group instead of individually. It was supposed to be a group luncheon, and it turned into a meeting. It was an organized propaganda meeting with an agenda. Flyers were handed out and none of this was Okayed with management. There were supposed to be only 50 people, and at least 100 were there. We were told that the luncheon would be an hour, and it turned into two hours We only have about 70  seats, so some of our customers had no place to sit.

We apologize for any inconvenience to our regular customers, it will not happen again. We want to have a safe place for you to dine, and a safe place for us to work. Thanks for your support and understanding.

Tom McLaughlin,
Regional Manager

John R. Pickerel, Owner
Buckhorn Grill


Anonymous said...

I was annoyed at first when I read this but looking at it from the business's point of view I see their concern. Normal dining time is probably 20 to 30 minutes. That means, conservatively, that the business lost 210 potential customers that day (70 seats taken for 2 hours where normally they'd turn over 3 more times). At an average of $12 per diner, that comes to around $2500 in business lost. The actual loss was almost certainly less when you factor in the extra people and take-out business but I still see their position. As a business owner myself I totally sympathize.

Anonymous said...

Aha! Very interesting.

To me, the fact that the Open Carry people misled the restaurant management about their plans is further proof of the lack of integrity on the part of the Open Carry movement, which still strikes me as one of the goofier reactionary movements I've seen come down the pike in a long time.

Anonymous said...

I'm curious: how did the Open Carry crowd get to the restaurant? Did they drive, in which case is a weapon then considered concealed because it is in a car? Do they carry it on the seat or dashboard? What would a cop do is they were stopped for a ticket? What if some came on BART, how would that work?

Seems at some point the guns are concealed, and illegal.

Anonymous said...

Transporting guns in your trunk or a lock box is legal. I don't really care that they were there for two hours, big deal. Now the management wants to play the other side and apologize for their invited guests. I go there and this is PR work by John. The restaurant was standing room only so they did not lose any business.

I do not think people need to wear guns, but I also don't agree with everything free speech covers when it comes to racism. Do are covered by our constitution.

Anonymous said...

"I do not think people need to wear guns, but I also don't agree with everything free speech covers when it comes to racism. Do are covered by our constitution."


Anonymous said...

So you don't agree with everything when it comes to racism? Do you want to tell which parts of racism you do agree with?

Anonymous said...

LOL @ concealment. Having a gun in your car is not illegal, or considered "concealed". Just put it in its case in your trunk, unloaded.

Anonymous said...

wow, CPK's decision is looking pretty good right now.

the headline should read "buckhorn grill regrets (after many people complained) allowing...

they knew what they were getting into, they knew the publicity this would cause. How can they be so shocked now? Did they think this group would come in, have lunch, and leave like normal patrons? This was on Crazy in Suburbia, Claycord, other blogs, news, etc.
Buckhorn I am sure had some idea of what would happen - they aren't that naive.

Anonymous said...

Buckhorn Grill managment should be fired. First for not following policy (if that policy really was in place). Second for being such ninny nannies that they produced this PR letter.

Anonymous said...

Buckhorn Grill makes a great salad. I prefer my salad without a side of political posturing so good for the Buckhorn.

Anonymous said...

Tom can shove his apology.

LeftCoast said...

Anon at 12:59

Why? Why can't he change his mind based on what occurred vs what he thought would occur?

David said...

Just found your site and enjoying the interaction. Might have to try the Buckhorn grill. Don't care about the politics of guns or not just good food.

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, I just read on the claycord blog that some idiot with an unloaded gun was arrested inside a local theater. He claimed to be part of the Open Carry movement. What a brainiac. This is the kind of stupid stunt the Open Carry movement breeds.

Anonymous said...

Buckhorn Grill sure enjoyed the publicity and getting their little hole in the wall on the evening news and in local blogs like this one. Then they backtrack and backstab the people who got them the publicity in the first place. They are complete cowards.

LeftCoast said...

Anon at 4:42 they didn't bring the publicity, you did (I am assuming you are an open carry member). They would have been fine without you and have been for years. Maybe it was the behavior of the group that caused the issue and the fact that the group is the one seeking the attention not the restaurant that is the problem. I applaud them for "manning up" listening to the community and admitting a mistake. Truth be told 99% of the public is against you.

W.C. Varones said...

There were supposed to be only 50 people, and at least 100 were there.

The spirit of liberty is alive in WC!

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

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Eat more frequently. Each and every time you eat, your body reacts to the intake of food by increasing metabolism in order to use the food for energy. Those who eat "three square meals per day" will experience only three "metabolic surges" and thus will spend a large portion of the day with their metabolism operating at less than maximum capacity. When you divide your food consumption into six meals each day, you ensure that your body is constantly working to process food. If you are eating anything less than six meals each day, and not eating every 2-4 hours, then you're body is not optimized for fat burning. said...

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Do male enhancement pills work for ALL men? NO...Let me repeat myself...NO male enhancement pills do not work for all men. To date there are NO male enhancement pills whether prescription, non-prescription, or natural herbal male enhancement pills that work 100% of the time for everyone. If any male enhancement product maker claims their product works 100% of the time for everyone, they are making false claims and misleading the consumer that it is going to work for everyone. What many male enhancement pill companys do claim and back is that their products do workfor 85-90% of all men who have taken them. That appears to also be backed by the millions of sexually satisfied male enhancement customers. But more importantly, if you try a male enhancement product and find yourself to be that 1 out of 10 men that the product does not work for, most makers offer a 30 day money back guarantee that states that you simply return the unused product and they will refund your money. said...

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. The Volumetrics plan rephrases that idea to say that you want to eat food that provides the highest amount of volume with the lowest number of calories. These ideas are close, and overlap in many areas, but are ultimately very different when it comes to day-to-day application. Volumetrics leads you to foods filled with lots of water and fiber--not unhealthy, but...Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live plan leads you to cruciferous vegetables and antioxidant rich berries. Words matter said...

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Male spas and salons in Houston are in demand. Long the domain of women especially celebs, such spa services as bikini waxing, full body waxing, permanent hair removal and others like full body massages among men in Houston is way have been the rise and appointments to area spas have surged. Houston men are visiting spas because of a variety of reasons. One reason is cosmetic; the men simply want to look trendy and acceptable especially in the summer when they tend to wear low cut jeans and swim trunks. Houston men are also taking to waxing for hygienic reasons. In the hot and humid Houston climate, more hair means more sweating and dirt accumulation. For instance waxing can definitely give a fresh feeling. Finally there are those of the persuasion that waxing enhances sexual excitement. Regardless of your reasons, if you are looking for a spa in Houston that does male body hair removal, massages, laser hair removal, bikini waxing and more, here are a few areas where they seem to be in reasonable concentrations:

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There is really only one method that works. Pills in the form of herbal remedies are just "snake oil". Many aren't FDA approved and under a microscope revealed the existence of extremely harmful bacteria. Apparatuses are sold by the dozens but many have reported injuring their members. Imagine doing something you think is going to give you a large penis size and all that happens is that you end up in the emergency room. said...

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However, most males choose penile enhancement to resolve many genuine problems that they face. Some guys may want to choose penile enhancement methods to obtain better hardons. Male enhancement items help males to obtain better erections by enhancing the blood circulation towards the penis. An item of male enhancement is also proven to be helpful for males who utilize them for enhancing their sexual drive and ejaculation.

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