
May 18, 2010

Who ARE those kids?

Whatever happened to them? Wait! I feel like they could be in a scene from Annie Hall, you know popping out of their photos to tell us, maybe, like how happy and successful they are ... And speaking of an Annie Hall reference, don't you like the teacher's wife-of-an-astronaut hair-do? Finally, see if you can pick out the cute boy who always got in trouble but who all the girls had crushes on...


Anonymous said...

Second row, second from the left? That's got to be Soccer Mom herself...

Anonymous said...

Wow. I wasn't even born yet.

Anonymous said...

No, second row and second from the right. And I bet the boy next to her is the cute one aways in trouble.

Dakota Soul

Beau Hunk said...

Clever idea! And what fun.

Are you really one of the kids, SM? Just whisper your answer to me - I won't tell...

Anonymous said...

I love the teacher's hairdo, and wish it would come back in style!

Anonymous said...

Wait they had pictures in 1970? Wow, photography is alot older than I thought.

If anyone in this picutre is actually Soccer mom then I am impressed. I didn't think ancient old people blogged.

~YYZ said...

Are some pictures missing or is that the actual class size?

Times have changed, yes?

Jojo Potato said...

Class size: the figures show that this year the first grade class size at Parkmead is 19, the pictures show a class of 17. That's an 11% increase, not such a huge deal to my way of thinking. Funny how actual facts can be useful instead of just believing the hype.

Look at:

and find lots of useful facts..

72 Mustang Convertible said...

Still have my First Grade class photo from Parkmead (1964-65)- almost identical to this one. Same photo of Mr. Sloan. Teacher: Mrs. Pachaud (sp?)I think that's Jeff Jones, lower right corner.

Yes YYZ, that is the actual class size back when you could get an actual education. (btw, can't wait for another Sheboygan loaded!)

Limeridger said...

SM that pic is outstanding and reminds me of mine at Buena Vista Elementary back in the day. Our third grade teach, Mrs. Reading, was supposedly Ms. Walnut Creek, and us boys always paid attention in her class.

A Moore said...

I was in Kindergarten that year at Parkmead, so I missed you by one year. Spent half of first grade there before going over to Alamo School when my parents moved to Livorna. Thanks for the memories!

Anna, The Lemon Lady said...

Cute. Looks like you are enjoying a look down memory lane. How fun!

Anonymous said...

So, which one is you and the boy??