
June 15, 2010

What is MDUSD thinking, transferring a Walnut Creek elementary school principal

Posted this on Walnut Creek Patch a little bit ago. The Mount Diablo Unified School District has an idea to transfer some elementary school principals--including the very popular principal of Bancroft Elementary school, Linda Schuler. She would go to Valle Verde, which has a vacancy...

I'm really scratching my head over this idea. Claycord published a letter from the Parent Faculty Club president...


Glass Half Full said...

People sometimes get stuck in a routine. Maybe it's a strategy to introduce new ideas or motivate the staff.

Anonymous said...

What is the MDUSD thinking? Failed Parcel Taxes, questionable Bond Measures, shady dealings, financial mismanagement. Who pays? The kids and the teachers pay the price. What an embarrassment.

Martha Ross said...

Just so you know, MDUSD board member Sherry Whitmarsh posted on comment on the Walnut Creek Patch story about these principal changes.
She gives some background on why this is happening. I still feel bad for the community thought.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Schuler is a very effective principal and Bancroft didn't want to lose her. It's interesting because Bancroft is a 9-star-rated school and Valle Verde is a 10-star. It was kind of a move "up" for her I guess. But it would have been tough for Bancroft to deal with a new leader when she's done such a good job motivating students and being very involved in school fundraising efforts. Disclosure: my son attends Bancroft. It's a very nice school with a lot of mixed-income backgrounds and very involved parents.