To the Public:
We have received many requests for an interview from various news groups and reporters regarding the upcoming rally scheduled for Monday. It has been impossible to answer all requests due to the sheer volume, however we are releasing this press announcement in regards to Monday's events.
Contrary to what has been portrayed in the media, this rally is NOT about dividing communities, inciting a race war or a political debate. The Walnut Creek location was chosen primarily out of convenience to allow for a central location accessible to many from different communities all over the Bay area. Many reporters throughout our community, but especially the Contra Costa Times and; , decided to leak this event to the community before speaking with any event planners, thus creating an angry stir with some individuals and groups. As a result of their negligent reporting and failure to properly convey the meaning for the rally early on, hundreds of angry and hateful comments have been reported by various people and the true meaning of this event has not been conveyed properly. For this reason, no interviews will take place that will allow anyone to misconstrue what was said and the entire press release will be available for all to
This rally is NOT about inciting violence, destruction, intolerance, hatred, racism, riots, or to upset the Grant family and their supporters. Rather, this is an opportunity for those in our communities to come together in peace to grieve and voice their support for a former Law Enforcement Officer, Johannes Mehserle and his family and friends. There is great support for Mr. Mehserle as well as for all other Law Enforcement Officers and we recognized that an avenue needed to happen to allow these individuals to express their feelings and offer others support and encouragement.
We do NOT believe that Mr. Mehserle intentionally took the life of Mr. Grant. We believe this was a tragic mistake that occurred while on active duty and one that could have been easily preventable if BART Police demanded its officers wear their tasers on the opposite side as their gun and be made to draw that taser with their weak hand. During the course of Mr. Mehserle’s trial, evidence and witness statements provided insight that truly showed the action was not intentional. No one believes that Mr. Grant deserved to be killed nor is anyone happy that this happened. Oscar Grants family and friends have lost someone that they loved. Johannes Mehserle’s family, friends and fellow law enforcement officials have also lost someone they loved, respected and admired, but healing and forgiveness is only going to take place in our community if we make way for dialogue and truly come to understand the pain on both sides.
Throughout the last 18 months, Mr. Mehserle and his family and friends have been the victims of politics and persecuted in the public eye. While we recognize that some individuals are angry and hurt at what occurred on January 1, 2009, no one in our community has taken the time to get to know the person Johannes is. He is not the cruel and racist person he has been portrayed to be. We believe as a group that if people would truly open their eyes, get to know him and his family as well as other officers, lay the race issue aside, and open way to dialogue, that healing in our community can take place and change can happen that can benefit both sides.
Furthermore, this rally is also to support all Law Enforcement Officers and to show our thanks and appreciation to them for the work they do in our communities. Our Officers have a very stressful and difficult job, but everyday they work around the clock trying to make our communities better and safer for everyone to the best of their abilities. Law Enforcement Officers are rarely thanked or appreciated for all they do for us. To thank our officers for protecting our communities is not as some people have stated, "a racist move" - police come in all shapes, sizes and colors.... This is to truly thank them for all they do for us and nothing more.
We hope that those of you that attend the rally on Monday will show respect for both sides and for the City of Walnut Creek and the officers on duty. We ask that you resist name calling and intimidation, remain peaceful and truly allow a dialogue to take place that will promote healing for everyone. Let us know who Oscar Grant was. Ask who Johannes Mehserle is and get to know him through the people who know him. Talk with officers and get to know how they feel about their jobs, their communities, what they go through on a daily basis, how our officers can better serve you and vice versa. This rally is about opening doors of communication and setting aside our differences to promote tolerance and peace within our communities.
For those of you with ulterior motives in mind to cause harm to anyone, incite riots, violence, or destruction, we ask that you do not bring that mentality to this rally. Rather, we ask you to be respectful of those who want to be heard, regardless of whether their opinions and feelings align with yours or not.
We thank everyone for their support and look forward to Monday's event.
Rally Support Coordinators
July 16, 2010
Mehserle Rally Organizers Say They Want Peace, Not Hatred at Monday's Rally
Organizers of the rally Monday in Walnut Creek to show support for former BART police officer Johannes Mehserle are declining requests for interviews and won't identify themselves. Instead they have issued a press release, which they hope clears up the intent of their rally which is scheduled to take place 2 to 5 p.m. Monday at the Walnut Creek courthouse on Ygnacio Valley Road.
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Well thought out. Bravo...
Interesting Press Release. The "Rally Support Coordinators" state:
"Many reporters throughout our community, but especially the Contra Costa Times and;, decided to leak this event to the community before speaking with any event planners, thus creating an angry stir with some individuals and groups. As a result of their negligent reporting and failure to properly convey the meaning for the rally early on, hundreds of angry and hateful comments have been reported by various people and the true meaning of this event has not been conveyed properly."
Ummm...Hate to break it to them, but as "Coordinators" it is their duty "to convey the meaning of the rally early on."
They also accuse the Times and blogs of "leaking this event before speaking with any event planners." Ummmmm...How about a name and contact number? If there is enough fear about this event that the organizers are not willing to be identified and contacted easily for information then maybe the event is not such a great idea in the first place. Acting as if they are somehow punishing the media by not answering any questions on the event seems to represent the seemingly passive-aggressive tone of the entire letter.
Towards the end there are some powerful and most likely very sincere words. Too bad those words were not at the top before all of the petty accusations.
This is NOT a race issue. It was a sad accident. Until the Black community gets rid of their complex, we will never be able to end racism.
This isn't going to be pretty. I'm staying home on Monday.
Yes, it's those damn Blacks keeping racism alive!
@ Mickey Martin. I disagree with your statements entirely. Not passive agressive at all. The media is responsible for twisting things around all the time to invoke upset in people. Perhaps if they had waited until they could speak to someone BEFORE rushing to press with half cocked theories just to "run a story" some of the "overly sensitive" ones in our community wouldn't have got their shorts tied in a knot. I have heard that many people who were in support of the rally also recieved death threats so do you blame them for not wanting to give out their phone numbers after the media caused this ruckus in the first place by saying things that were not true? I sure as hell don't blame them at all. I think they were smart in posting that so that no one could say things or imply things that were not said. Well done.
The ones who beat Rodney King, who gunned down Sean Bell and Amadou Diallo and Oscar Grant, who murdered Fred Hampton in his bed. The ones who broke VĂctor Jara’s hands and Steve Biko’s skull, who disappeared dissidents from Argentina to Zaire, who served Josef Stalin. The ones who enforced Apartheid in South Africa and segregation in the United States. The ones who interrogated Black Panthers and Catholic Workers, who maintained records on 16 million people in East Germany, who track us through surveillance cameras and phone taps. The ones firing tear gas and rubber bullets whenever a demonstration gets out of hand, who back the bosses in every strike. The ones who stand between every hungry person and the grocery shelves stocked with food, between every homeless person and the buildings standing empty, between every immigrant and her family.
In every nation, in every age, you tell us you’re indispensable, that without you we’d all be killing each other. But we know well enough who the killers are. You won’t fuck with us much longer.
Oh god, get over it everyone. 12:28 is correct...
We the police appreciate the support from the community we receive. Several times a week someone will come up to me and say "thanks, I appreciate what you do." It's nice to hear that. I also know that many others think it without saying it.
To whomever organized this event, while the intent was good, I think you were short sighted. The BART shooting has inflamed emotions on both sides. No matter what side you are on or in the middle, it is an emotional one. Because of the potential that some of those emotions will spill over into violence, I along with dozens of my comrades will be there to keep things civil. Hopefully, all goes well and people express themselves peacefully and we all go home. Personally, I wish this event would never happen. I frankly don't see the point of it. The verdict will not change, and nobody's opinion of the verdict or how one feels about Law Enforcement in general is going to change as a result of the verdict.
The location chosen was also ill-conceived. All court operations will be shut down. Cases that were to be heard Monday will now be postponed, further burdening an already overwhelmed court system. What about justice for those victims and suspects? I don't think the well-intentioned organizers considered any of this beforehand.
That all being said, it is STILL your right to hold a rally for whomever you want wherever and whenever you want. That is your right under the Constitution of the USA, and I along with my comrades will be there to protect your right to do it, and the rights of those who disagree with you.
If the organizers really wanted a crowd, they should have planned it for Civic Park today.
All of the library folks could have really learned something while patting themselves on the back.
The real problem with the media is that most of their reporting is on what they think WILL happen rather than what HAS happened.
The later method is journalism, the former is sensationalism and is fanning the flames of discord for profit.
Just look at how much coverage there was on television and in the papers about what they thought WOULD HAPPEN the verdict was brought in.
'Nuff said...
thanks to Anonymous @7:18 for your true service and balanced approach. I salute you and all others who serve in the same spirit.
Organizers/The Pot calling the Kettle black: Face it, you either posted your page prematurely or you really want to continue the controversy with your ridiculous anonymous posts. I don't think Mehserle did it on purpose either, but to compare his family's loss with Oscar Grant's family's loss is out of proportion. He will be back with his family and see his children grow up. Oscar won't. If you really support ALL law Enforcement and wanted a peaceful rally then you would have left Mehserle's name out of it and not blamed news reporting as "leaking" your public page.
Cant help but think this whole tragedy would not have happened if there was a different tactile feel to the tazers they use to their handguns. If those things are designed in such a way that they do not fire as a handgun but in a totally different manner than the officer would not have just pulled the trigger and expected a taze shot to come out instead of a bullet.
Maybe if they had some sort of thumb triggering mechanism instead of a regular gun type trigger a officer would recognize by feel that he has the wrong item in his hand.
this site is now just a feeder spot to patch
That's a good thought but it just doesn't work. In fact, the tasers used before Taser International took over the tazer market, the very first ones, circa 1990, did have a thumb switch activation. However they had many many other drawbacks that limited their effectiveness. The taser is a very useful tool for law enforcement when used properly. The existence of the taser actually SAVES lives and reduces injuries to both officers and suspects, because it gives officers an effective option to control a violent suspect at a distance, as well as a close up less than lethal tool. Without it, officers would be forced to use their firearms more frequently, resulting in more injuries and deaths to suspects. I'm not a rep for Taser International, just someone who has used them on duty.
This was, in my opinion, simply a matter of training and experience, or rather lack of training and experience, compounded with stress on the part of the officer that resulted in a tragic mistake. Unfortunately the mistake was so severe that it cost a man his life, and that is apparently why the jury reached the verdict it did.
There are other factors as well which contributed to the situation, at least in some way. Precursors if you will. First the fight itself on the train that initiated the call in the first place. Second, the general belligerence on the part of Grant and his friends when contacted by the initial officer Pirone, and Pirone's lack of control and professionalism in dealing with the situation. Take away any one of these factors, and likely the shooting would have never happened also. Not saying that excuses it, just saying these helped lead to the end result. Look at all the facts and the big picture.
Really, unless you have actually been in a fight or struggle trying to arrest someone, outsiders have a difficult time credibly judging the officer's actions in most instances.
If Oscar Grant, & his "homies" had been grownup enough to just ride the train, without getting into a fight, then Oscar Grant would be alive today. And, since we hear so much, from Negros, about black men being killed by the police, may I ask, many black men are killed, in America, EVERY DAY, by other BLACK MEN,.? My point being, that the primary cause of death, for black men, is OTHER black men,.& NOT racist cops,..Statistically, speaking, black men are the most violence prone segment of American society,..Indeed, Mr. Grant has a history, of packin' a gun for criminal purposes. And we can assume, that anyone who carries a gun, for criminal purposes,is willing to use that gun on innocent people. My point being, that the black "tribalists", out there need to take some responsibility, for the sorry state of the negro race, in America & world wide,..I mean, where on Earth, is there a neighborhood, or a country, that is made up of blacks, that is not a disaster zone,.? it seems that chaos, violence & squalor appears to follow the black race, like some dark shadow,..wherever it is found,..
@anon 2:04 "Perhaps if they had waited until they could speak to someone BEFORE rushing to press"
Great idea. Who do you suggest they should have contacted? and how?
Posting an event on a public facebook event page and then getting huffy when people assume that it's actually a public event seems, well, MickeyMartin's use of the term passive-aggressive seems pretty spot on for that. I'll be simpler and call it clueless and oafish.
Anon 9:42
Nicely said. need to calm down,life isn't exactly a ball of fun for you is it?
I blame people like Malik Zulu Shabazz, Louis Farrakhan and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright (and others in their ilk) for perpetuating Black hatred of mainstream society. I blame them and people like them for the violence that permeates our society. They talk and talk about equality but what they really want is a violent revolution to push their selfish racist agenda. The sad part of this? Black people actually listen to this tripe and act on it when they perceive that a wrong was inflicted on their race. Malik Zulu Shabazz, Louis Farrakhan and the Reverend Jeremiah Wright are to be reviled in our society.
Rodney King said "People, I just want to say, you know, can we all get along? Can we get along? Can we stop making it, making it horrible for the older people and the kids?...It’s just not right. It’s not right. It’s not, it’s not going to change anything. We’ll, we’ll get our justice....Please, we can get along here. We all can get along. I mean, we’re all stuck here for a while. Let’s try to work it out. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to beat it. Let’s try to work it out."
Wiser words were never said.
Black Panthers..., thugs..., declawed...
I want to know what moron thinks that posting anything on Facebook constitutes a secret? They are upset that it was leaked!!! Then DON'T post it on the Internet - duh!
Sadly, it is likely that this will wind up attracting anti- Mehserle people. I hope it does not get violent. No one wants Walnut CReek shops hit by a riot.
As a footnote - the antispam word on my post is rhate....hmmmm message?
The funny part is that the FB page clearly states, "Privacy Settings: Open: All content is public." The real leaker is themselves.
I suggest everyone send the 81 retarded supporters on that page a message letting them know how disappointed you are with their decision.
Nancy Richardson Teer
Julie Ann Dummer
Michael Hart
Joe FolleroVillamayor Elgar
Jean Riley
Clarice Anderson
Deana Norton
Susan Millhollin
Brandy Darby
Josh Wolf
Kevin Hickman
JoAnn Clements
Amanda Theodosy- Concord High
Lisa Machado Husman
Donna A Holt
Erica M. Brown
Danielle Ashe
Deby Gregoire-Lawson
Sue Chalk
Azarina Cerkic- Chamberlain College of Nursing
Leowives Wives
Dena DeVere Doherty
Rudy Ramos
Joe Fernandes
Ryan Ashe
Ron Posadas
Tom Chapman
Alex Chopra
Gil J Gonzalez
Jason McKay- USMMA
Andrea Paolucci-Sabino
Cheri Furner
Noel MacDougall
Sylvia Park
Robert Smith
Mike Warren
Richard Paloma
Elaine Borjan Jaworski
Steven Blankenship
Brian Brisco
Robert Stilson
Jay Eala
Brian Jimenez
Shelley Arellano
Heather Vale Brisco
Johnny Johnson
Annika Valour
Colleen Passmore
Paula Collins Gallagher
James Leach
Kevin Michael Mullen
Jessica Marie Delai
Marikka Mehserle
Lora Sorbello
Margo Garnier
Ilinko Mircic
Amber Asbell Madrid
Nubia G. Barajas
Mala Thakur
Tammy Gallucci-Pollard
Wes Brockbank
Michael Davis
Colleen Kelly
Ashley Ecles
Andrew Chung
Dan Ball
Peace Bee
Tom Norwood
Cassie Geremia
Jamie Monroe
Greg Pollard
Linda Collins Buzzini
Pippy Sou
Alex Jones- Alameda High
Wayne Acuna
Alicia Ramirez
Steven Babiak- Bentley School
Derek Ketner
Cindy Lou
Spencer L. Rodriguez
Rally Coordinators
And if you know any of these people feel free to call them or go by their house and let them know how disappointing it is for them to be stoking the flames of the situation with their support of a life taker.
Rally supports:
Did you know that all leave for LE has been cancelled? Not just in Walnut Creek, but in the surrounding area, as well. The officers I have talked to, are not happy that you are doing this. Just who is it that you are supporting? The officers do not want to give up their day off, their time with family and friends, even though you say you are supporting them. They can't even come as citizens, even if they wanted to, which many want no part in this. Businesses are already planning to board up their windows out of fear. Why do this? And please tell the public where you are from, and that you are not from Walnut Creek. If any of you are, you are a very small minority. The truth is you felt that Walnut Creek was a central location and might get more press than some blue collar neighborhoods.
Grant Supporters: I am so sorry that this is happening. Please forgive the insensitivity of some individuals. Not everyone agrees with them.
Who the hell are YOU to list out all the names that is already PUBLICLY LISTED on the Facebook page? Is this meant to be some sort of "Hall Of Shame"? Will this list of people be targeted for internment camps or "re-education"? I thought we still lived in a free society and can choose whatever we want to support? What a pinhead and classic apologist..., YOU are an embarrassment...
Free Mesherle!!!!
Free Mesherle!!!!
Look at the bright side!
... All the going out of business closeout sales next week for the businesses torn up on Monday.
It's inevitable, even if the rally supporters cancelled, the grant supporters are still coming. Thank goodness for BART! (/sarcasm)
I'm glad I'm in Concord just north of WC border far enough away from this mess.
Al E. Gory (sorta clever)
Don't worry homey, once WC is brutalized, Concord will be next. Since there is nothing there of value, I guess our "guests" will head for Sun Valley Mall. Since it is all self-contained, the looting shouldn't take too long. I don't think there is a Foot Locker there though...
Look. If people want to support this mess then their names deserve to be published for all to see. Normally people who SUPPORT things do not mind when their name is associated with it. Why is this event so different? Even the TOP SECRET RALLY ORGANIZERS are too cowardice to accept responsibility for this debacle. That should be a HUGE RED FLAG!
FacebookStalker is comparable to NAZI SYMPATHIZERS DURING WORLD WAR 2. Do you help with stoning people as well? Where does it say that people like you need to reinforce public knowledge information? Who gave you that job? You sir, are fanning the flames of hate with your posting and listing. You deserve the contempt of all who read these "posts". What a shameful human being you must be...
Please read the following which was
posted on their Facebook site:
I am highlighting the following sentence from their posting:
"Please remember that the Grant family is also healing and has suffered great loss. We are here to show support for Johannes Mehserle, not to be hateful or mean."
read further
"From Rally Coordinators:
Rally Instructions:
To all who plan to attend Support Rally, We have been in contact with Walnut Creek Police Department and they have requested the following guidelines for our rally to try to keep things as peaceful as possible and to help them keep all Law Enforcement and rally participants safe. Please take note and be respectful of Walnut Creek. We are there to support Johannes Mehserle and our law enforcement. We do not want to bring embarrassment and or shame to either one, so please abide by the rules they have requested and obey all laws. We are in their city and need to show respect. Thank you to all who came to show support and we give thanks. 1. No weapons and/or guns unless you have a permit to carry one and you are a law enforcement officer. 2. No fights and remember this is not a debate, we are here to show unity with our law enforcement and the Mehserle family. 3. No bullhorns or loud speakers 4. No vulgar or offensive sayings on t-shirts and signs. 5. Please stay in the parking lot of the courthouse and do not walk on the sidewalks. Do not stand in the streets or block the steps of the courthouse. The courts have asked that we not stand on the steps. Also it is not legal to block traffic so please do not do so. 6. Please try to carpool if at all possible to limit amount of cars. Do not park in the courthouse parking lot as we will be using it for the rally and it also needs to be open for those that are attending court on this day. 7. Police request that we all stay together in a group and not go off in small groups as it makes it easier on them to keep order and it is much safer. OUR PLAN AND PURPOSE We are here to show unity and make a stand. We are here to show Johannes that we support him and we know it was an accident. We are here to say we feel Johannes Mehserle should be set free and not jailed. We are here to show support and to give thanks to all Law Enforcement that protects us on a daily basis, even at the risk of their own lives. The plan is to bring your own signs to carry, suggestions for sayings on signs below. Wear a t-shirt that supports Johannes Mehserle or Law Enforcement if you can. We will be grouping together and you are welcome to be vocal and encouraged to do so, however, please do not directly attack the opposing side if any show up. Thank you so very much for your love and support. It is time we band together as brothers, sisters, family and friends to say enough is enough, “set Johannes free!” Sign and t-shirt suggestions: Set Johannes Free Free Mehserle Not Guilty Support JM Support Johannes Mehserle Support LEO’s Signs that say words that are hateful, racial and/or threatening are not permitted. Please remember that the Grant family is also healing and has suffered great loss. We are here to show support for Johannes Mehserle, not to be hateful or mean. We look forward to seeing you there!
The Coordinators"
Please read the following which was
posted on their Facebook site:
I am highlighting the following sentence from their posting:
"Please remember that the Grant family is also healing and has suffered great loss. We are here to show support for Johannes Mehserle, not to be hateful or mean."
read further
"From Rally Coordinators:
Rally Instructions:
To all who plan to attend Support Rally, We have been in contact with Walnut Creek Police Department and they have requested the following guidelines for our rally to try to keep things as peaceful as possible and to help them keep all Law Enforcement and rally participants safe. Please take note and be respectful of Walnut Creek. We are there to support Johannes Mehserle and our law enforcement. We do not want to bring embarrassment and or shame to either one, so please abide by the rules they have requested and obey all laws. We are in their city and need to show respect. Thank you to all who came to show support and we give thanks. 1. No weapons and/or guns unless you have a permit to carry one and you are a law enforcement officer. 2. No fights and remember this is not a debate, we are here to show unity with our law enforcement and the Mehserle family. 3. No bullhorns or loud speakers 4. No vulgar or offensive sayings on t-shirts and signs. 5. Please stay in the parking lot of the courthouse and do not walk on the sidewalks.
(continues below)
So what's the problem?
I hope all those who come keep this intention in mind.
Let's get the word out and heed it ourselves.
I predict an absolute mess tomorrow. Let's hope that the destruction of property is minimal. Shame on both sides..., shame shame shame...
"The officers do not want to give up their day off, their time with family and friends, even though you say you are supporting them. They can't even come as citizens,"
They love the Overtime & yes they can come if it is their day off just like any citizen..why not ??
Because their leave, days off have been canceled
Yes, leaves have been canceled with the police agencies around the area so that manpower can be at their maximum levels for tomorrows rally.
@anotheranonymous (2:04)
You Write: "the media caused this ruckus in the first place by saying things that were not true?"
Name one statement put in the press that was not true. Just one. As a person who has first hand felt the effects of false reporting, I understand that. In this case, that did not happen. Any well organized and high profile event would have released a detailed press release before going public. The organizers failed to project their message and then cry foul when people report on their facebook posting. They accuse and CoCo times. Here is what the Mayor of had to say:
" had no contact information on your page and you know it. We put EXACTLY what you said on your facebook page, nothing more, and nothing less, so even if we wanted to contact you, we wouldn’t have been able to and there would have been no point."
Another instance of cowards who cannot even disclose the basics of who was organizing this and who to contact with questions crying foul for no reason.
RED FLAG------
Thanks for the rant. Enjoying your "Medical Cannabis" this morning I see? See you at the rally.
It is sad that in this day and age there are such volatile persons who choose to write such ignorant statements about race. This country has come so far, but I read this rubbish and realize there is still a long way to go.
I mean this statement by another cowardice "anonymous" keyboard warrior:
"how many black men are killed, in America, EVERY DAY, by other BLACK MEN,.?"
So this makes the Mehserle shooting okay how? I bet more coyotes are killed by other coyotes than humans. Big deal. The Red Herring arguments are unnecessary. The justification you present is flawed in so many ways.
I have a lot of respect for law enforcement and understand the complex nature of their job. I feel for Mehserle, as I clearly do not believe it was his intent to kill Grant. But the facts are that he did. His tragic mistake cost a person's life and for that there are consequences. We do not "rally" for people whose actions cause tragic death. Mehserle has admitted it was a mistake. His mistake took a life. He was convicted of the crime of involuntary manslaughter, which is appropriate for the action. It sucks for everyone involved, but stoking the flames of the situation because the secret "rally organizers" feel that they need a public forum to show their support for a man whose mistake cost a person's life is insensitive and simply put, nuts.
I would bet that Johanes Mehserle does not endorse, nor support this effort to honor his actions. Did anyone ask him?
I may go take some pictures of the supporters and organizers for an article I am writing on race and the drug war...
Is that going to include yourself after more Medical Cannabis "treatments"? LOL!!! What a moron.
Anon 7:35am- Maybe you need a dose of some Medical Marijuana. There is nothing productive in what you say, but Mickey Martin's post is definitely reasonable.
Maybe you should look up the meaning of "red herring argument". It's what you are doing when you accuse him of smoking pot instead of dealing with the issue at hand.
What is the problem with posting the names of people who are confirmed on Facebook to show up at today's rally?
They could have just gone without "signing up", but they obviously wanted to be associated with this event.
Anon 7/18 @ 3:33pm said-
"Where does it say that people like you need to reinforce public knowledge information? Who gave you that job? You sir, are fanning the flames of hate with your posting and listing. You deserve the contempt of all who read these "posts". What a shameful human being you must be..."
Seriously? Reinforcing public knowledge information is what you are accusing someone of? Fanning the flames of hate? That is ridiculous considering there is a possibility that this rally could do that all on it's own.
I thought the list was interesting, although I could have easily accessed it on the Facebook page.
I am just very thankful that no one I knew was listed as attending.
The old irrelevant conclusion. How refreshing. My support for medical cannabis matters not to this conversation. But what it does show is your inability to argue a valid point, so you resort to attacking the person instead of the point. Yes. I support medical cannabis. Me and 80% of America ( Get over it.
The real question is why you do not...but this is not about that. This is about an ill-conceived plan to rally in support of a person whose actions resulted in the loss of another human being's life. That is what needs to be remembered. No matter what you think about Oscar Grant, he is a human being who deserved the right to live and Mehserle's actions, admittedly, took that from him.
You just keep on staying anonymous. It bodes well for your kind. If we all knew you were then we would have a real name and face to attach to what now is just a faceless coward, and that would be sad.
Anon at 942pm from 7/ post...."where on Earth, is there a neighborhood, or a country, that is made up of blacks, that is not a disaster zone,.? it seems that chaos, violence & squalor appears to follow the black race, like some dark shadow,..wherever it is found,.."
Maybe if you took your head out of your ass you would see how racist and stupid your remarks are. As a white person from the east coast, there are plenty of communities of mostly black and mixed neighborhoods that don't fit the nasty criteria you depict. Funny how the most racist people say that there isn't racism. Come out from under your sheet and see the whole world, not just from your cut out eyeholes.
I'm quite surprised that those people didn't loot Walnut Creek businesses like they did in Oakland. Oh..., there wasn't a Foot Locker close by and stylish athletic shoes? Probably more so the large police presence in riot gear.
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