
December 10, 2009

I've GOT TO take vacation at the end of the month, and so does Walnut Creek City Hall staff

Is the economy really getting better? They say the recession is over, and home values have stopped plummeting, and a Bay Area Council report says we've hit rock bottom, and there is no where to go but up...

But ... Just got news that the health insurance plans offered by my company are going up anywhere from 16 to 23 percent. And that Bay Area Council report also says we're still in for a painful job market, with 23 percent of Bay Area companies saying they will reduce their staffing levels some more in the next six months. On the bright side, 18 percent of companies say they will add jobs. But wait! We've got this war in Afghanistan, and the retail reports for November and for Black Friday wasn't so great ...

Happy Thursday!

Anyway, back to the original point of this post. Walnut Creek City Hall will be closed the week between Christmas Eve and the week after Christmas, from December 24 through January 3. And most city employees will be on unpaid furlough the week of December 28 to help save the city money. But the police will still be working--and, I'm assuming, but I'll have to check, the parking enforcement guys and gals!

I have to take vacation that week as well... I get paid for that vacation, but I myself have had to take other furlough days to save my company money.

How are you doing this holiday season?


Anonymous said...

Dear Crazy:
Think you meant Jan. 3.

Martha Ross said...

Yes, thank you. That's what happens when I write early in the morning, and what would I do without readers sending in corrections? Many thanks again.

Masterlock said...

I have to use up some vacation too, and will be off the last week of the year. So happy, so needed.

Martha Ross said...

It's not the worst thing to have to use up vacation this time of year. My son is off from school, so he and I will do silly stuff together. Maybe, FINALLY, get to the Academy of Sciences in Golden Gate park.

Masterlock said...

Perfect, and a good time to take back ill fitting or ill wanted presents. And I'm praying for snow, some midweek days would be fun.